In this section you will find some very essential forms and tools for your gas station business, these are all downloadable forms that you can download and use immediately.
Click Here to download Monthly P&L form (in Microsoft Excel Format)
Here is another monthly P&L form (in Microsoft Excel Format)
Click Here to download this form
ABC Food and Gas Mart Monthly P&L
Here is sample Articles of Incorporation for State of Alabama
Click Here to download (in Microsoft Word Format)
Here is a Full Business plan you can use just by altering and adding your own information in it.
Click Here to download it (in Microsoft Word Format)
Here is a Personal Financial Statement that you can download and use by filling in the numbers and it will do the calculations for you.
Click Here to download it (in Microsoft Excel Format)
Here is the MA-CP Grid I mentioned in my podcast Episode-2
When you download it, make sure to open it with Microsoft Paint, this way you can edit and use this.
Click Here to download it (in PNG Format)
Here is Job/Employment Application you can print out and use for your business, just make sure to alter the top business name and change to your store name (In Microsoft Word Format)
Click Here to download this Application
Here are the tools I use for all my online businesses:
For Domain name has the cheapest yearly renewal of all so I transferred all my domains there recently.
For Website Hosting
Bluehost has been really good to me
To hire writer, editors and all other talents online
To publish books
To become a Prescription drug card rep and make money go to:
To search for all other affiliate programs go to these market places
Gas Station Inventory Management and Bookkeeping Forms
Here are some very basic inventory and bookkeeping management tools everyone can use. All templates are created in Microsoft Excel format, so if you are downloading any of these tools please make sure you have Microsoft Office or Open Office installed in your computer.
Gas Station Commercial Lease Sample (As I mentioned in episode 44)
Here is the Sample Fuel Supply Agreement (As I mentioned in Episode 45)
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