Why Buy A Gas Station/Convenience Store Business?

For a person looking around for a profitable business niche to get into, have you ever thought of the question why buy a gas station/convenience store business? The question is WHY NOT? The corner store in every neighborhood of this beautiful country of ours is as American as Apple pie. It is part of American culture; we are a convenience loving car hugging country. Owing your own car is the key to one’s true independence. That is why we have almost 3 cars in every household. Having a car also means we have the need for gasoline. Since Henry Ford invented automobile, our appetite for fuel has steadily grown to 134 billion with a B gallons per year

A typical neighborhood gas station doesn’t only carry gasoline, but they also carry over 2400 everyday items. From gallon milk to bottle of ketchup. That’s why buying a gas station makes sense.

The gas station/convenience store business model  is a recession proof business, especially since the economic slowdown and the recession it has proved once more that people having job or not the need for the milk does not wait, the need for gas in their car doesn’t wait. That is the very reason this is one of the very few industries that have seen a growth in numbers. Since 2008 US added 8000 stations.

150,000 owners must know something that most of us ignore to find out. Otherwise why are there so many of them?  I have come across Engineers, IT professionals and a few corporate guys that lost their jobs and eventually ended up getting in to gas station business. So, when investing your money and the question why buy a gas station/convenience store business cross you mind just remember and bookmark this site.

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