GSB -13: How to Increase Your Bottom Line Profit by $1,000/Month Without Increasing Your Sales

Welcome to episode 13 of GSB 101 podcast. I have decided to do another episode on the 1k profit theme since the feedback I have received so far has been overwhelming, so I am on a roll can you tell? I have had the idea that I would want to do a podcast on how to increase bottom line profit by a certain dollar figure without increasing the sales. But didn’t think I would be doing it so soon.

In episode 11 I showed you how you can save roughly 1k each month by doing a few operational changes and brought up one our own store’s example where we were able to save around $1700 a month. Then on episode 12 I discussed how you can minimize theft and employee errors and pick up an extra 1K a month. Once again say you try some of my suggestions and only see 40-50% success, well that also can translate into a significant amount each month right? So if we combine the savings from those two episodes, let’s say it is 2k each month, and you only got 50% success, well then you are saving at least a thousand each month. But remember all these numbers are based on minimum sales of 80K a month and not including fuel, just the inside or in-store merchandise.

In this episode, I want to discuss how we can all save again another 1k by focusing and tweaking some of your pricing strategies. Sounds too simple to be true? Well sometimes the simplest things can bring you great results so stay with me, and I will go step by step and show you how you can do it.

The book I want to mention today is Mindset: The New Psychology of Success BY Carol Dweck, it is a great book, and I know you will enjoy reading it.




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