I know it has been a long time since I wrote anything for the blog, but I have been extremely busy with expanding my gas station business empire and launching a few other ventures as well.
I am hoping to get back into writing regular blog posts. I am also authoring another informative book about this lucrative enterprise.
I need your help! I am looking for new topics for blog articles as well as for my new book.
I would love to address your specific questions, issues, and concerns about your new gas station business. You can join my newly revived Facebook group where you can interact with and gain insights from others in this vast, amazing industry.
The Facebook group is called “GSB Community,” and the link to join is https://www.facebook.com/groups/GSB101/. You must apply for entry, but you should be approved within a few days once you ask to join.
You can also leave a comment reply on this blog post with any issues, concerns, comments, and questions that you would like to be answered about owning a gas station or convenience store.
I am more than happy to share my knowledge from my many years of experience.
I look forward to reading your replies. I appreciate your interest in this website. Thank you!
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